
What's Good Here?

In 2019, I was selected to be part of a six student app development team. Dr. Nathan Backman of Buena Vista University beaver logo led the team and expedition.

space needle seattle We traveled to Seattle, WA where we lived a startup life. We worked each day to develop and use our app in the city recording real data.

What’s Good Here? is a crowd sourced restaurant and food rating app. We ate out nearly every day and wrote reviews on What’s Good Here?. Our reviews included 5 star rating scales, images, and a comment section.

In the couple weeks we lived there, we developed an app, traveled the city, hiked, and visited companies like Amazon, Google, Adobe, and Microsoft.

What’s Good Here? App

Our app idea solved this: you walk into a restaurant and wonder What’s Good Here? Especially if you’ve never been there before! Our idea was to crowd source reivews on food items and the restaurant as a whole.

With the crowd generated reviews, a user can set parameters such as quality, price, and quantity of food and receive results nearest their location.

We even built a recommendation system. The system took what food the user had rated well and made recommendations on similar items close by.

app sc

The team

Our team consisted of two rising seniors, juniors, and sophomores. At the time, I was a rising sophomore. We all contributed a great amount to the success of this project.

BVU Article

School news article about the trip.


I’m still very thankful to have been part of this awesome experience.

Thanks for reading about it!


Beaver icon by Icons8
Space Needle icon by Icons8