

For the company beyond logistics llc logo, I wrote an Order Processing Management System. The program ingested invoices, parsed, and stored them.

Using the invoices, we generated reports displaying data that I felt was taking too much time to hunt down ourselves manually.

timer icon The report generation gathered invoice data and revealed time sensitive, decision making information. With the simple, fast reports at hand, we spent time improving other processes. confetti gif


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prize logo Saved our daily routine 8 working hours.

prize logo Errors reduced to around once or twice a month.

prize logo Tracked invoice history.

prize logo Product location sped up order assembly.

Precious Time Saved

After comparing differences between before and after Coolr, we estimate this program saved our daily routine 8 working hours. The time saved was spent refining other processes and gaining an understanding of future improvements to the workflow.

We also gained more peace of mind knowing the technology had our backs reporting accurate info. Of course, it relied on us supplying the data. But once in, the difficult, laborious work was given to the computer. Which, can do it faster and with less error!

Less Error

Using Coolr, we were able to reduce our true errors to about once or twice a month in the daily processes that took place. Errors included missing product or incomplete orders.

Tracking Changes

A historical chain of invoices was viewable for each invoice stored.

This made the necessary daily workflow changes easier to adjust to. Before, these changes weren’t so obvious.

Product Location

Coolr’s final major feature was inventory location for each product. Working this into the system was a huge time saver per day. Instead of searching for product, we were able to go right to the product needed.


Thanks for taking time to read about Coolr!


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